This guide provides information on topics relevant to writing application
programs for the Workplace Shell. These topics include:
- Creating and Installing Workplace Shell Objects
- Debugging Workplace Shell Applications
- Object Aid: Help Methods
- Object Containers: Container Methods
- Object Criteria: Details Methods
- Object Errors: Error Handling Methods
- Object Information: Set/Query Methods
- Object Initialization and Termination: Setup/Cleanup
- Object Memory: Memory Allocation Methods
- Object Mobility: Direct Manipulation Methods
- Object Persistence: Save/Restore Methods
- Object Properties: Notebook Methods
- Object Usage: Usage Methods
- Object User Action: Pop-Up Menu Methods
- REXX Utility Workplace Shell Functions
- Workplace Shell and System Object Model
- Workplace Shell Distributed SOM
- Workplace Shell Processes and Threads
- Workplace Shell Programming Interface
- Workplace Shell Win Functions
The contents of each of these topics is briefly described in the following