The CAR sample Workplace Shell object included in the Toolkit provides an example of how to create an object. CAR is a spin-off implementation of the CAR object example used in the Systems Application Architecture: Common User Access Guide to User Interface Design.

The CAR object has two views:

The Horn beep and Dashboard pages in the CAR's Settings notebook are dialog windows whose contents are defined in a dialog template in the CAR.RC resource file. The resources are appended to the binary CAR.DLL file. The help panels associated with the dialogs are defined in the CAR.HLP help library. The association between the help panels and the dialogs is established with the dialog template in the resource file.

CAR is a persistent object but not a part of the file system. Therefore, it is derived from the WPAbstract class, which is derived from the WPObject root Workplace Shell class. This means that CAR inherits the methods from WPAbstract, which, in turn, inherits all of the instance and class methods from WPObject. CAR defines new methods and overrides some instance and class methods inherited from both WPAbstract and WPObject. New methods defined for the CAR class are summarized in the following table:

³carQueryInfo          ³Gets the CAR information.³
³                      ³It is called by the      ³
³                      ³dialog procedure to get  ³
³                      ³the latest CAR data when ³
³                      ³the dialog window opened.³
³carSetInfo            ³Sets up the CAR          ³
³                      ³information. It is called³
³                      ³by the dialog procedure  ³
³                      ³to update the CAR data as³
³                      ³the user interacts with  ³
³                      ³the dialog window.       ³
³wpAddDashboardPage    ³Inserts the Dashboard    ³
³                      ³page into the Settings   ³
³                      ³notebook. It is called by³
³                      ³wpAddSettingsPages.      ³
³wpAddHornBeepPage     ³Inserts the Horn beep    ³
³                      ³page into the Settings   ³
³                      ³notebook. It is called by³
³                      ³wpAddSettingsPages.      ³

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