Action buttons are added to or removed from the Toolbar by overriding wpQueryActionButtons. You must declare an instance data variable in your subclass of type PACTIONS. When overriding wpQueryActionButtons, verify if pMyActions is NULL. If it is, allocate memory to hold the parent's actions and the ones you are adding. Copy the parent's actions to your array, add yours, and then return, as shown in the following sample code:

SOM_Scope PACTIONS SOMLINK mylnchpd_wpQueryActionButtons(
                           WPLaunchPad *somSelf,
                           PULONG pulNumActions)
  MyLaunchPadData *somThis = MyLaunchPadGetData(somSelf);
  PACTIONS pParentActions;
  ULONG ulParentActions;


  if (!_pMyActions)
    pParentActions = parent_wpQueryActionButtons(somSelf,
    _ulMyActions   = ulParentActions + 1;
    _pMyActions    = _wpAllocMem(somSelf,_ulMyActions*sizeof(ACTIONS), NULL);

    if (!_pMyActions)
      return parent_wpQueryActionButtons(somSelf, pulNumActions);
    _pMyActions[ulParentActions].pszTitle = "My new action";
    _pMyActions[ulParentActions].ulMenuId = MY_MENUID;
    _pMyActions[ulParentActions].hIcon    = myActionIcon;

    if (ulParentActions)
      memcpy(_pMyActions, pParentActions,ulParentActions*sizeof(ACTIONS));

  if (pulNumActions)
    (*pulNumActions) = _ulMyActions;
  return (PACTIONS) _pMyActions;

Note: When overriding wpQueryActionButtons you must also provide a subclass of WPDesktop, override wpMenuItemSelected, and handle the MY_MENUID action.