The following sample illustrates the resource definition file (RC):
/* * Resouce module: WPSTYLER.RC */ #include <os2.h> #include "wpstyler.rch" ICON ID_OBJECTICON WPSTYLER.ICO DLGTEMPLATE DLG_STYLE LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN DIALOG "", DLG_STYLE, 0, 0, 224, 200, NOT FS_DLGBORDER BEGIN /* * Create a read only MLE window on the page to hold the * object's title, similar to the General page title */ LTEXT "Title:", -1, 10, 133, 24, 8 MLE "", DLG_OBJECTNAME, 30, 111, 110, 30, MLS_WORDWRAP | WS_GROUP | MLS_IGNORETAB /* * Place all the Styler checkboxes nicely on the page */ LTEXT "Select or deselect the desired style flags", -1, 10, 101, 169, 10 AUTOCHECKBOX "~Copy", DLG_COPY, 10, 91, 80, 10 AUTOCHECKBOX "~Move", DLG_MOVE, 106, 91, 80, 10 AUTOCHECKBOX "~Delete", DLG_DELETE, 10, 77, 80, 10 AUTOCHECKBOX "~Rename", DLG_RENAME, 106, 77, 80, 10 AUTOCHECKBOX "~Shadow", DLG_SHADOW, 10, 63, 80, 10 AUTOCHECKBOX "~Print", DLG_PRINT, 106, 63, 80, 10 AUTOCHECKBOX "~Template", DLG_TEMPLATE, 10, 49, 80, 10 AUTOCHECKBOX "Dr~op", DLG_DROP, 106, 49, 80, 10 /* * Frame the Drag checkbox and set the text color to red * to bring attention to it and to warn of its danger */ CONTROL "", -1, 8, 36, 146, 11, WC_STATIC, SS_HALFTONEFRAME | WS_GROUP | WS_VISIBLE AUTOCHECKBOX "Drag (De-select with Caution)", DLG_DRAG, 10, 37, 136, 9 PRESPARAMS PP_FOREGROUNDCOLOR, 0x00FF0000L /* * Add a status line just above the push buttons */ LTEXT "", DLG_STATUS, 7, 23, 191, 10, DT_VCENTER /* * Align the push buttons along the bottom */ PUSHBUTTON "~Apply", DLG_APPLY, 7, 7, 38, 14 PUSHBUTTON "~Undo", DLG_UNDO, 57, 7, 38, 14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", DLG_CANCEL, 107, 7, 38, 14 PUSHBUTTON "~Help", DLG_HELP, 157, 7, 38, 14 END END