A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following methods to get information about a file system object. These methods are not normally overridden.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpQueryAttr                   ³Returns the file attributes of³
³                              ³the file system object.       ³
³wpQueryCreation               ³Returns the creation date and ³
³                              ³time of the file system       ³
³                              ³object.                       ³
³wpQueryDateInfo               ³Returns the file system       ³
³                              ³object's:                     ³
³                              ³                              ³
³                              ³o Creation date and time      ³
³                              ³o Last access date and timeo  ³
³                              ³o Last update date and time.  ³
³wpQueryDisk                   ³Returns the pointer to the    ³
³                              ³disk object for the drive on  ³
³                              ³which the file system object  ³
³                              ³resides.                      ³
³wpQueryEASize                 ³Returns the size, in bytes, of³
³                              ³the extended attributes of the³
³                              ³file system object.           ³
³wpQueryEASupport              ³Determines whether extended   ³
³                              ³attributes are supported for  ³
³                              ³the specified file system     ³
³                              ³object.                       ³
³wpQueryFilename               ³Returns the name of the file  ³
³                              ³system object.                ³
³wpQueryFileSize               ³Returns the size, in bytes, of³
³                              ³the file system object.       ³
³wpQueryLastAccess             ³Returns the last access date  ³
³                              ³and time of the file system   ³
³                              ³object.                       ³
³wpQueryLastWrite              ³Returns the last write date   ³
³                              ³and time of the file system   ³
³                              ³object.                       ³
³wpQueryRealName               ³Returns the real name of the  ³
³                              ³file system object. For file  ³
³                              ³systems that do not support   ³
³                              ³long file names, such as the  ³
³                              ³FAT file system which allows 8³
³                              ³characters for the file name  ³
³                              ³and 3 for the extension, the  ³
³                              ³real name may be different    ³
³                              ³than the object's title.      ³
³wpQueryRefreshFlags           ³Queries the refresh flags for ³
³                              ³a file system object.  The    ³
³                              ³refresh flags consist of a    ³
³                              ³DIRTYBIT and a FOUNDBIT that  ³
³                              ³are used to allow refresh to  ³
³                              ³detect deleted files and new  ³
³                              ³files after asking a folder to³
³                              ³re-populate.                  ³
³wpQueryType                   ³Returns the type of the file  ³
³                              ³system object.                ³
³wpclsQueryAwakeObject         ³Returns the pointer to the    ³
³                              ³file system object            ³
³                              ³corresponding to the specified³
³                              ³path name, if the file system ³
³                              ³object is awake.              ³
³wpclsQueryInstanceFilter      ³Returns a string containing   ³
³                              ³the filter for files that     ³
³                              ³comprise the object class.    ³
³wpclsQueryInstanceType        ³Returns a string containing   ³
³                              ³the .TYPE attribute for the   ³
³                              ³files that comprise the object³
³                              ³class.                        ³
³wpclsQueryObjectFromPath      ³Returns the pointer to an     ³
³                              ³object which represents the   ³
³                              ³given file or directory.      ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following methods to set information about a file system object. These methods are not normally overridden.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpSetAttr                     ³Changes the file attributes of³
³                              ³the file system object.       ³
³wpSetDateInfo                 ³Changes the file system       ³
³                              ³object's:                     ³
³                              ³                              ³
³                              ³o Creation date and time      ³
³                              ³o Last access date and timeo  ³
³                              ³o Last update date and time.  ³
³                              ³                              ³
³                              ³Note:                         ³
³                              ³This method changes only the  ³
³                              ³dates and times kept in the   ³
³                              ³persistent data of the file   ³
³                              ³system object.  It does not   ³
³                              ³change the actual dates and   ³
³                              ³times kept by the underlying  ³
³                              ³file system.                  ³
³wpSetFileSizeInfo             ³Changes the file size and     ³
³                              ³extended attribute size of the³
³                              ³file system object.           ³
³                              ³                              ³
³                              ³Note:                         ³
³                              ³This method changes only      ³
³                              ³the sizes kept in the         ³
³                              ³persistent data of the file   ³
³                              ³system object.  It does not   ³
³                              ³change the actual sizes used  ³
³                              ³by the underlying file        ³
³                              ³system.                       ³
³wpSetRealName                 ³Changes the real name of the  ³
³                              ³file system object. This is   ³
³                              ³the name of the object        ³
³                              ³maintained by the underlying  ³
³                              ³file system.                  ³
³wpSetTitleAndRenameFile       ³Changes the file system       ³
³                              ³object's title and real name, ³
³                              ³so that they match.           ³
³wpSetType                     ³Changes the .TYPE attribute of³
³                              ³the file system object.       ³

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