A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following methods to get information about an image file object. These methods are not normally overridden.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpQueryBitmapData             ³Returns a pointer to the      ³
³                              ³bitmap data for the image     ³
³                              ³file.                         ³
³wpQueryBitmapHandle           ³Returns a handle to the bitmap³
³                              ³that can be displayed showing ³
³                              ³the contents of the image file³
³                              ³and a handle to the palette to³
³                              ³be used when displaying the   ³
³                              ³bitmap.                       ³
³wpQueryBitmapInfoHeader       ³Returns a pointer to the      ³
³                              ³bitmap information header for ³
³                              ³the image file.               ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following method to set information about an image file object.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpSetBitmapData               ³Sets the bitmap data for the  ³
³                              ³image file.  This method will ³
³                              ³convert the bitmap data to the³
³                              ³appropriate format and update ³
³                              ³the actual image data file.   ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following method to read or write information about an image file object.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpReadImageFile               ³Reads the image data for the  ³
³                              ³image file and stores it in   ³
³                              ³the instance data for the     ³
³                              ³object. If the image data has ³
³                              ³already been read, this method³
³                              ³simply returns TRUE.  It does ³
³                              ³not refresh the image data.   ³
³wpWriteImageFile              ³Writes the image data for the ³
³                              ³image file from the instance  ³
³                              ³data.                         ³

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