A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following methods to get information about a power object. A power object would override these methods to define its characteristics.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpQueryAutoRefresh            ³Returns the current state     ³
³                              ³(enabled or disabled) for     ³
³                              ³automatic refresh of the power³
³                              ³object's status window.       ³
³wpQueryRefreshRate            ³Returns the current refresh   ³
³                              ³rate (in minutes) for the     ³
³                              ³power object's status window  ³
³                              ³when automatic refresh is     ³
³                              ³enabled.                      ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following methods to get information about a power object. These methods are normally not overridden.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpQueryDefStatusView          ³Returns the default view for  ³
³                              ³the power object when         ³
³                              ³"Advanced power management"   ³
³                              ³(APM) is enabled.             ³
³wpQueryPowerConfirmation      ³Returns the current state     ³
³                              ³(enabled or disabled) for the ³
³                              ³power object's confirmation   ³
³                              ³message. This message is      ³
³                              ³optionally displayed when     ³
³                              ³power state changes are       ³
³                              ³requested from its context    ³
³                              ³menu.                         ³
³wpQueryPowerManagement        ³Returns the current state     ³
³                              ³(enabled or disabled) for     ³
³                              ³"Advanced power management"   ³
³                              ³(APM).                        ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following methods to set information about a power object. These methods are normally not overridden.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpSetAutoRefresh              ³Enables or disables automatic ³
³                              ³refresh of the power object's ³
³                              ³status window.                ³
³wpSetDefStatusView            ³Sets the default status view  ³
³                              ³for the power object when     ³
³                              ³"Advanced power management" is³
³                              ³enabled.                      ³
³wpSetPowerConfirmation        ³Enables or disables the       ³
³                              ³display of the power object's ³
³                              ³confirmation message when     ³
³                              ³power state changes are       ³
³                              ³requested from its context    ³
³                              ³menu.                         ³
³wpSetPowerManagement          ³Enables or disables "Advanced ³
³                              ³power management".            ³
³wpSetRefreshRate              ³Sets the refresh rate for the ³
³                              ³power object's status window  ³
³                              ³when automatic refresh is     ³
³                              ³enabled.                      ³

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