A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following methods to get information about a view of an object. A Workplace Shell object would override these methods to define the characteristics of its open views.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpQueryButtonAppearance       ³Returns which button          ³
³                              ³(minimize, hide, or the system³
³                              ³default) appears in the frame ³
³                              ³control for an open view of   ³
³                              ³the object.                   ³
³wpQueryConcurrentView         ³Returns an indication of      ³
³                              ³whether or not this object    ³
³                              ³allows multiple concurrent    ³
³                              ³views to be opened.           ³
³wpQueryDefaultView            ³Returns the view of the object³
³                              ³that is opened when the       ³
³                              ³default view is opened.       ³
³wpQueryMinWindow              ³Returns the behavior of the   ³
³                              ³object when it is minimized   ³
³                              ³(Minimize window to Desktop,  ³
³                              ³Minimize window to viewer, or ³
³                              ³use the system default        ³
³                              ³behavior).                    ³
³wpclsQueryButtonAppearance    ³Returns the class default for ³
³                              ³which button (minimize, hide, ³
³                              ³or the system default) appears³
³                              ³in the frame control for an   ³
³                              ³open view of any object of    ³
³                              ³this class.                   ³
³wpclsQueryDefaultView         ³Returns the class default of  ³
³                              ³which view of the object is   ³
³                              ³opened when the default view  ³
³                              ³is opened. The default view is³
³                              ³associated with every object  ³
³                              ³of the class. The default view³
³                              ³can be changed for an         ³
³                              ³individual object if:         ³
³                              ³                              ³
³                              ³o The object overrides        ³
³                              ³  wpQueryDefaultView.         ³
³                              ³o The wpSetDefaultView method ³
³                              ³  is called.                  ³
³                              ³o The wpSetup method is called³
³                              ³  with the DEFAULTVIEW        ³
³                              ³  keyword.                    ³
³wpclsQuerySettingsPageSize    ³Returns the size of the       ³
³                              ³Settings notebook pages       ³
³                              ³displayed for the object      ³
³                              ³class.                        ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following methods to set the characteristics for the open views of the object. These methods are not normally overridden.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpSetButtonAppearance         ³Defines which button          ³
³                              ³(minimize, hide, or the system³
³                              ³default) appears in the frame ³
³                              ³control for an open view of   ³
³                              ³the object. This value is     ³
³                              ³normally returned by          ³
³                              ³wpQueryButtonAppearance.      ³
³wpSetConcurrentView           ³Defines whether or not the    ³
³                              ³object allows multiple        ³
³                              ³concurrent views to be opened.³
³                              ³This value is normally        ³
³                              ³returned by                   ³
³                              ³wpQueryConcurrentView.        ³
³wpSetDefaultView              ³Defines which view of the     ³
³                              ³object is opened when the     ³
³                              ³default view is opened. This  ³
³                              ³value is normally returned by ³
³                              ³wpQueryDefaultView.           ³
³wpSetMinWindow                ³Defines the behavior of the   ³
³                              ³object when it is minimized   ³
³                              ³(Minimize window to Desktop,  ³
³                              ³Minimize window to viewer, or ³
³                              ³use the system default        ³
³                              ³behavior). This value is      ³
³                              ³normally returned by          ³
³                              ³wpQueryMinWindow.             ³
³wpclsSetSettingsPageSize      ³Sets the size of the Settings ³
³                              ³notebook pages displayed for  ³
³                              ³the object class.             ³

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