Classes can define keynames and values that affect the behavior of their objects. Use keynames with setup methods as follows:

Because keynames have default values, setup strings are not required for these calls.

Every class may define its own set of keynames and values. The Workplace Shell Reference contains the definition of keynames for all classes. Keynames and the values supported by the WPObject class are listed in the following table:

³CCVIEW            ³DEFAULT     ³Uses the default value of the ³
³                  ³            ³concurrent view setting of the³
³                  ³            ³system, when the user selects ³
³                  ³            ³open. This is the default     ³
³                  ³            ³value.                        ³
³                  ³YES         ³Creates new views of the      ³
³                  ³            ³object every time the user    ³
³                  ³            ³selects open.                 ³
³                  ³NO          ³Resurfaces open views of      ³
³                  ³            ³object, when the user selects ³
³                  ³            ³open.                         ³
³DEFAULTVIEW       ³DEFAULT     ³Sets the default open view to ³
³                  ³            ³the object's class default    ³
³                  ³            ³view as returned by           ³
³                  ³            ³wpclsQueryDefaultView. This is³
³                  ³            ³the default value.            ³
³                  ³SETTINGS    ³Sets the default open view to ³
³                  ³            ³the Settings view.            ³
³                  ³ID          ³Sets the default open view to ³
³                  ³            ³the "id" of a user-added view ³
³                  ³            ³(0 - 9).                      ³
³HELPLIBRARY       ³filename    ³Sets the help library.        ³
³HELPPANEL         ³id          ³Sets the object's default help³
³                  ³            ³panel. This is equivalent to  ³
³                  ³            ³calling wpSetDefaultHelp.     ³
³HIDEBUTTON        ³YES         ³Views of this object have a   ³
³                  ³            ³hide button as opposed to a   ³
³                  ³            ³minimize button.              ³
³                  ³NO          ³Views of this object have a   ³
³                  ³            ³minimize button as opposed to ³
³                  ³            ³a hide button.                ³
³                  ³            ³The default is the current    ³
³                  ³            ³system Button appearance for  ³
³                  ³            ³windows setting. This cannot  ³
³                  ³            ³be specified here.            ³
³ICONFILE          ³filename    ³Sets the object's icon. This  ³
³                  ³            ³is equivalent to calling      ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetIconData.                ³
³ICONPOS           ³x, y        ³Sets the object's initial icon³
³                  ³            ³position in a folder. The x   ³
³                  ³            ³and y values represent the    ³
³                  ³            ³position in the folder in     ³
³                  ³            ³percentage coordinates.       ³
³ICONRESOURCE      ³id, module  ³Sets the object's icon. This  ³
³                  ³            ³is equivalent to calling      ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetIconData. The "id" is the³
³                  ³            ³icon resource ID in the       ³
³                  ³            ³dynamic link library (DLL)    ³
³                  ³            ³"module".                     ³
³MINWIN            ³HIDE        ³Hides views of object, when   ³
³                  ³            ³the minimize button is        ³
³                  ³            ³selected.                     ³
³                  ³VIEWER      ³Minimizes views of the object ³
³                  ³            ³to Minimize window to viewer, ³
³                  ³            ³when the minimize button is   ³
³                  ³            ³selected.                     ³
³                  ³DESKTOP     ³Minimizes views of the object ³
³                  ³            ³to Minimize window to Desktop,³
³                  ³            ³when the minimize button is   ³
³                  ³            ³selected.                     ³
³                  ³            ³The default is the current    ³
³                  ³            ³Minimize button setting. This ³
³                  ³            ³cannot be specified here.     ³
³NOCOPY            ³YES         ³Users cannot copy objects.    ³
³                  ³            ³This is equivalent to calling ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetStyle with the           ³
³                  ³            ³OBJSTYLE_NOCOPY style.        ³
³                  ³NO          ³Users can copy objects. This  ³
³                  ³            ³is the default value.         ³
³NODELETE          ³YES         ³Users cannot delete objects.  ³
³                  ³            ³This is equivalent to calling ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetStyle with the           ³
³                  ³            ³OBJSTYLE_NODELETE style.      ³
³                  ³NO          ³Users can delete objects. This³
³                  ³            ³is the default value.         ³
³NODRAG            ³YES         ³Users cannot drag objects.    ³
³                  ³            ³This is equivalent to calling ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetStyle with the           ³
³                  ³            ³OBJSTYLE_NODRAG style.        ³
³                  ³NO          ³Users can drag objects. This  ³
³                  ³            ³is the default value.         ³
³NODROP            ³YES         ³No other objects can be       ³
³                  ³            ³dropped on this object. This  ³
³                  ³            ³is equivalent to calling      ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetStyle with the           ³
³                  ³            ³OBJSTYLE_NODROPON style.      ³
³                  ³NO          ³Objects can be dropped on this³
³                  ³            ³object. This is the default   ³
³                  ³            ³value.                        ³
³NOLINK            ³YES         ³Objects cannot be linked. This³
³                  ³            ³is equivalent to calling      ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetStyle with the           ³
³                  ³            ³OBJSTYLE_NOLINK style.        ³
³                  ³NO          ³Objects can be linked. This is³
³                  ³            ³the default value.            ³
³NOMOVE            ³YES         ³Users cannot move objects.    ³
³                  ³            ³This is equivalent to calling ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetStyle with the           ³
³                  ³            ³OBJSTYLE_NOMOVE style.        ³
³                  ³NO          ³Users can move objects. This  ³
³                  ³            ³is the default value.         ³
³NOPRINT           ³YES         ³Users cannot print objects.   ³
³                  ³            ³This is equivalent to calling ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetStyle with the           ³
³                  ³            ³OBJSTYLE_NOPRINT style.       ³
³                  ³NO          ³Users can print objects. This ³
³                  ³            ³is the default value.         ³
³NORENAME          ³YES         ³Users cannot rename objects.  ³
³                  ³            ³This is equivalent to calling ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetStyle with the           ³
³                  ³            ³OBJSTYLE_NORENAME style.      ³
³                  ³NO          ³Users can rename objects. This³
³                  ³            ³is the default value.         ³
³NOSETTINGS        ³YES         ³Users cannot open the object's³
³                  ³            ³Settings notebook. This is    ³
³                  ³            ³equivalent to calling         ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetStyle with the           ³
³                  ³            ³OBJSTYLE_NOSETTINGS style.    ³
³                  ³NO          ³Users can open the object's   ³
³                  ³            ³Settings notebook. This is the³
³                  ³            ³default value.                ³
³NOSHADOW (Same as ³YES         ³Users cannot create shadows of³
³NOLINK)           ³            ³objects. This is equivalent to³
³                  ³            ³calling wpSetStyle with the   ³
³                  ³            ³OBJSTYLE_NOLINK style.        ³
³                  ³NO          ³Users can create shadows of   ³
³                  ³            ³objects. This is the default  ³
³                  ³            ³value.                        ³
³NOTVISIBLE        ³YES         ³Objects are not visible. This ³
³                  ³            ³is equivalent to calling      ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetStyle with the           ³
³                  ³            ³OBJSTYLE_NOTVISIBLE style.    ³
³                  ³NO          ³Objects are visible. This is  ³
³                  ³            ³the default value.            ³
³OBJECTID          ³<name>      ³Sets a persistent ID for the  ³
³                  ³            ³object. The OBJECTID can be   ³
³                  ³            ³used to obtain a pointer or   ³
³                  ³            ³handle to the object by       ³
³                  ³            ³calling wpclsQueryObject or   ³
³                  ³            ³WinQueryObject. An OBJECTID is³
³                  ³            ³any unique string preceded    ³
³                  ³            ³with a < and terminated with a³
³                  ³            ³>.                            ³
³                  ³            ³The default is to not have an ³
³                  ³            ³ID.                           ³
³OPEN              ³SETTINGS    ³Opens settings view when      ³
³                  ³            ³object is created or when     ³
³                  ³            ³WinSetObjectData is called.   ³
³                  ³DEFAULT     ³Opens the default view when an³
³                  ³            ³object is created or when     ³
³                  ³            ³WinSetObjectData is called.   ³
³                  ³            ³The default is to not open a  ³
³                  ³            ³view.                         ³
³TEMPLATE          ³YES         ³Users can create object       ³
³                  ³            ³template. This is equivalent  ³
³                  ³            ³to calling wpSetStyle with the³
³                  ³            ³OBJSTYLE_TEMPLATE style.      ³
³                  ³NO          ³Users cannot create object    ³
³                  ³            ³template. This is the default ³
³                  ³            ³value.                        ³
³TITLE             ³Title       ³Sets the object's title. This ³
³                  ³            ³is equivalent to calling      ³
³                  ³            ³wpSetTitle.                   ³

The following code fragments is an example of WPObject setup string:

PSZ pszSetupString = "TITLE    = MYObject;"
                     "ICONFILE = MYOBJ.ICO;"
                     "OBJECTID = <MyObjectID>";

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