Invoking wpSetupOnce parent causes wpSetup to be called. Two new keywords, PUSHITEM and POPITEM, have been defined for this class to push and pop items from the stack. This method is invoked when an object is created and when WinSetObjectData is called. Note the use of wpIsObjectInitialized and wpSaveDeferred to write the persistent image to the .INI file, if called as a result of WinSetObjectData. The wpScanSetupString method searches a setup string for a given keyname and returns its corresponding value. It also has a feature which returns just the length of the value when passed NULL as a pointer to the value buffer. Keynames and their values are separated by semicolons in the setup string. The escape character ( ^ ) followed by a semicolon can be used to represent a semicolon, if one is required in a keyname value specification. The following code fragments shows an example of a setup string for a stack object:

PSZ pszSetupString = "TITLE    = MyStack;"
                     "OBJECTID = <MyStack>;"
                     "PUSHITEM = Pushed by Setup"

The following sample code shows the use of wpSetup:

SOM_Scope BOOL SOMLINK stk_wpSetup(
                       Stack *somSelf,    // In - pointer to the object
                       PSZ   pszSetupString)

// The method returns the value:
//     TRUE  = successful
//     FALSE = error
  BOOL  bSaveObject = FALSE;
  BOOL  bStatus;
  ULONG cbValue;
  PSZ   pszValue;

  // StackData *somThis = StackGetData(somSelf);

  bStatus = parent_wpSetup(somSelf, pszSetupString);
  if (bStatus && pszSetupString && *pszSetupString)
  { //
    // Process PUSHITEM
    if (_wpScanSetupString(somSelf,

      pszValue = (PSZ)_wpAllocMem(somSelf, cbValue, NULL);
      bStatus  = FALSE;
      if (pszValue)
        bStatus = _wpScanSetupString(somSelf,

        if (bStatus)
          bStatus     = _Push(somSelf, pszValue, cbValue);
          bSaveObject = bStatus;
        } /* Endif */
        _wpFreeMem(somSelf, (PBYTE)pszValue);
      } /* Endif */
    } /* Endif */

    // Process POPITEM
    if (bStatus && _wpScanSetupString(somSelf,
      bStatus = FALSE;

      if (_Pop(somSelf, NULL, &cbValue))
        pszValue = (PSZ)_wpAllocMem(somSelf, cbValue, NULL);
        if (pszValue)
          bStatus     = _Pop(somSelf, pszValue, &cbValue);
          bSaveObject = bStatus;
          _wpFreeMem(somSelf, (PBYTE)pszValue);
        } /* Endif */
      } /* Endif */
    } /* Endif */

    if (bSaveObject && _wpIsObjectInitialized(somSelf))
    { //
      // Save the object to the INI file
    } /* Endif */
  } /* Endif */
} // End stk_wpSetup

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