Pop-up menu methods support the actions that the user can perform on an object. These actions appear in a context or pop-up menu when the user presses button 2 of the pointing device. A pop-up menu contains action choices for an object in its current context or state. The contents of a pop-up menu depends on the state of the object.

Pop-up menus consist of a set of selectable items and any pull-down or conditional cascaded menus associated with them. In the following figure, Open, Settings, Open parent, Refresh now, and so on, are items in the object's primary pop-up menu. Icon, Tree, and Details are items in the Open pull-down or conditional cascaded menu.

Conditional cascaded menus have mini-push buttons displayed next to the pop-up menu item. When the user selects the mini-push button, the pull-down menu is displayed. As shown in the above figure, Open, Help, and Sort have mini-push buttons that are represented by a right arrow () surrounded by a square box. If the user selects one of these three pop-up menu items, a default action listed in the submenu is performed. The default action is represented by a check mark. The default action for the Open item is Icon view, the Help item is General help, and the Sort item is Name. This submenu is called a conditional cascaded menu because it is displayed only if the user selects the mini-push button.

Like Settings notebook pages, pop-up menus are inherited from a class' ancestor classes. This means that they include pop-up menu items that ancestor classes have added to or removed from the pop-up menu inherited from WPObject. The pop-up methods permit you to add new menu items to or remove menu items from the pop-up menu inherited from an object's ancestor classes, as shown in the following table:

³Method                   ³Description                        ³
³wpAddUserItemsToPopupMenu³Adds user-defined items to the     ³
³                         ³popup menu.                        ³
³wpFilterMenu             ³Filters out options from the       ³
³                         ³object's pop-up menu that do not   ³
³                         ³apply.  (OS/2 Version 4 or higher.)³
³wpFilterPopupMenu        ³Filters out options from the       ³
³                         ³object's pop-up menu that do not   ³
³                         ³apply.                             ³
³wpInsertMenuItems        ³Inserts items into the object's    ³
³                         ³pop-up menu.  (OS/2 Version 4 or   ³
³                         ³higher.)                           ³
³wpInsertPopupMenuItems   ³Inserts items into the object's    ³
³                         ³pop-up menu.                       ³
³wpModifyMenu             ³Adds new options to the object's   ³
³                         ³pop-up menu.  (OS/2 Version 4 or   ³
³                         ³higher.)                           ³
³wpModifyPopupMenu        ³Adds new options to the object's   ³
³                         ³pop-up menu.                       ³
³wpSetMenuStyle           ³Sets the menu style to be either   ³
³                         ³long or short.                     ³

When the user requests an object's pop-up menu, the Workplace Shell builds it by calling the object's wpFilterPopupMenu and wpModifyPopupMenu. The wpInsertPopupMenuItems method is called by an override to wpModifyPopupMenu to add new options to an object's pop-up menu.

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