When a class defines new actions for its pop-up menu, it must provide for the processing of the actions when the user selects the action. This is done by overriding the following pop-up menu methods:

³Method                   ³Description                        ³
³wpMenuItemHelpSelected   ³Displays the help associated with  ³
³                         ³class-specific pop-up menu item.   ³
³wpMenuItemSelected       ³Processes class-specific pop-up    ³
³                         ³menu item.                         ³

Using the previous sample code, MyObject supports SubItem_1 by overriding wpMenuItemSelected, as shown in the following sample code:

/********************  Method Override  ********************************/

/* Process input from the extra menu option that we added */
SOM_Scope void SOMLINK MyObject_wpMenuItemSelected
  (MyObject *self, HWND hwndFrame, ULONG MenuID)


  /* Which of our menu items was selected?  */
  switch( MenuId )
    case ID_SUBITEM1:
    case ID_SUBITEM2:
    case ID_SUBITEM3:
    case ID_SUBITEM4:

MyObject can support help for new pop-up menu items by overriding wpMenuItemHelpSelected in a similar manner. These help methods are explained in Object Aid: Help Methods.

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