The following figure shows the syntax of SysSetObjectData:
Syntax: SysSetObjectData(object_name, setup_string) where object_name Name of the object that is either the object's ID assigned to the object when it was created, or the fully qualified path name of the object to be destroyed. setup_string A series of keynames that change the behavior of the object. The keynames are separated by a semicolons and values are separated by commas.
Each object's characteristics are modified by the setup string information that is passed to the object. The following sample code shows what types of setup information can be used to modify objects' characteristics:
/* */ call RxFuncAdd "SysLoadFuncs", "rexxutil", "SysLoadFuncs" call SysLoadFuncs say SysSetObjectData("<WP_TEMPS>",,"NODELETE=NO"); say SysSetObjectData("C:\DESKTOP",,"OBJECTID=<WP_DESKTOP>") say SysSetObjectData("<Prefix_MyProgram",,"OPEN=DEFAULT") say SysSetObjectData("<WP_DESKTOP>",,"TITLE=Comany Name Desktop") say SysSetObjectData("c:\pgm\pgm.exe",,"ASSOCTYPE=Plain Text, C Code")