The following figure shows the syntaxes of SysIni:

Syntax - Mode 1:  Setting single key value.

    SysIni([inifile], app, key, val)

Syntax - Mode 2:  Querying single key value.

    SysIni([inifile], app, key)

Syntax - Mode 3:  Deleting a single key.

    SysIni([inifile], app, key, 'DELETE:')

Syntax - Mode 4:  Deleting an application and all associated keys.

    SysIni([inifile], app, ['DELETE:'])

Syntax - Mode 5:  Querying names of all keys associated
                  with a certain application.

    SysIni([inifile], app, 'ALL:', 'stem')

Syntax - Mode 6:  Querying names of all applications.

    SysIni([inifile], 'ALL:', 'stem')


inifile     Name of the INI file that you work with.  This parameter
            should be a file specification, or one of the following:

            USER       User INI file (usually C:\OS2\OS2.INI).
                       This is the default.
            SYSTEM     System INI file
                       (usually C:\OS2\OS2SYS.INI).
            BOTH       For querying invocations, both the user and
                       system INI files are searched.  For setting
                       invocations, the user INI file is written to.

app         Application name or some other meaningful value with which
            you would like to store keywords.
key         Name of a keyword that is used to hold data.
val         Value to associate with the keyword of the specified
stem        Name of the stem variable to store the resultant
            information in.  STEM.0 will be set equal to the number of

The following sample code shows how you can use the SysIni function. The code saves the value entered by the user, displays it, and deletes it.

/***  Save the user-entered vlaue under the  ***/
/***  key 'NAME' of the 'MYAPP' application, ***/
/*** display it, then delete it.             ***/
pull name .
call SysIni , 'MYAPP', 'NAME', value  /* Save the value               */
say  SysIni(, 'MYAPP', 'NAME')        /* Query the value              */
call SysIni , 'MYAPP'                 /* Delete all MYAPP information */

The following sample code displays the application name, keyname, and value of each line of the OS2.INI file:

/***  Display all OS2.INI file information to the screen  ****/
call rxfuncadd sysloadfuncs, rexxutil, sysloadfuncs
call sysloadfuncs
call SysIni 'USER', 'All:', 'Apps.'

if Result \= 'ERROR:' then
  do i=1 to Apps.0
    call SysIni 'USER', Apps.i, 'All:', 'Keys'

    if Result \= 'ERROR:' then
      do j=1 to Keys.0
        val = SysIni('USER', Apps.i, Keys.j)
        say left(Apps.i, 20) left(Keys.j, 20),
        'Len=x'''Left(d2x(length(val)),4) left(val, 20)

The following sample code fragments retrieves a complete list of object ID information:

/* */
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'rexxutil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs

/* List of object IDs */
App='PM_Workplace : Location'
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'rexxutil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs

call SysINI 'USER', App, 'All:', 'Keys'
if result \= 'Error:' then do
  call SysCls
  Say '';Say '';Say 'Listing of object ID information';Say '';
  parse value SysTextScreenSize() with row col
  do i=1 to Keys.0
    if trunc(i/j)==i/j then
      Say '';Say 'Press any key to display the next screen...'
      call SysCls
      Say '';Say '';Say 'Listing of object ID information';Say '';
    Say Keys.i
else Say 'Error querying for' App

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