ptid (PTID) - output
pfn (PFNTHREAD) - input
This function is called near, accepts a single parameter param, and returns a doubleword exit status (see DosExit). Returning from the function without executing DosExit causes the thread to end. In this case, the exit status is the value in the EAX register when the thread ends.
param (ULONG) - input
It is usually a pointer to a parameter block.
flag (ULONG) - input
Possible values are a combination of the following:
CREATE_READY (0x00000000)
cbStack (ULONG) - input
The size is rounded up to the nearest page boundary. If you specify a stack size of 0, you still get a one page (4K) stack.
The system allocates the stack upon creation of the thread, and deallocates it upon completion of the thread. The system provides dynamic stack storage commitment up to the limit specified in cbStack by using the guard-page technique. See Remarks for more details.
ulrc (APIRET) - returns
DosCreateThread returns one of the following values: