DosCreateThread creates an asynchronous thread of execution under the current process.

The operating system creates the first thread of a process when it starts the executable file. This thread is dispatched with a regular class priority. To start another thread of execution under the current process, the current thread issues DosCreateThread. The thread's initial dispatch point is the address specified for pfn. The started thread has a unique stack and register context and the same priority as the requesting thread.

The created thread can access all files and resources owned by the parent process. The thread shares resources with other threads of the process. Any thread in the process can open a file or device, and any other thread can issue a read or write to that handle. This is also true for pipes, queues, and system-managed semaphores.

When a thread is created, the system creates a Thread Information Block (TIB) to maintain per-thread information (TID, priority, and so on) in the user address space. See DosGetInfoBlocks for details on the TIB layout.

When a thread is created, its initial dispatch point is provided by pfn. This routine is invoked by Near Call, and when that routine returns or issues DosExit, the thread ends. The format of the thread's stack when the thread begins executing at pfn is:

        StackSize   ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ High Address
                    ³ ThreadArg     ³
                    ³   EIP         ³
                    ³               ³

                    ³  <Committed>  ³
                    ³  <Stack>      ³
                    ³  <Pages>      ³
                    ³   Stack Guard ³
                    ³   Page        ³
                    ³   Uncommitted ³
                    ³   Stack Pages ³
        StackBase   ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Low Address

When the system allocates the stack for the thread, a guard page is set up to facilitate dynamic stack growth. When a thread attempts to use stack in or "below" the guard page, a guard-page exception is generated. The default system action for this exception is to attempt to grow the stack by committing another page and moving the guard page. Since only a single guard page is committed at a time, and the page size of the 80386 processor is 4KB, a local stack allocation that is greater than 4KB must be handled by a stack probe that is performed by a compiler-generated routine.

The default stack commitment has one committed page, and a guard page is set up below the committed page. The pages beyond the guard page are uncommitted. If the system cannot allocate another guard page when the guard-page exception is not handled, a guard-page-allocation failure exception is generated. It is essential that applications and language runtime routines handle the guard-page-allocation exception. For more details on guard-page exception management, see DosSetExceptionHandler.

A thread started with DosCreateThread ends upon return of this call or when DosExit is issued. Any thread can temporarily stop the execution of other threads in its process with DosSuspendThread, DosResumeThread, DosEnterCritSec, and DosExitCritSec.

Any thread can also examine and change the priority at which it and other threads execute with DosGetInfoBlocks and DosSetPriority.

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