- View and control another PC
- Control unattended PCs remotely
- Support customers and provide help remotely
- Diagnose and solve problems on another PC by modem
or over a LAN
- Transfer text and data between PCs
- Run DOS, Windows and OS/2 on an unattended PC by modem
or over a LAN
- Remote Help Desk assistance for applications, online
education, and maintenance of application programs.
- Remote problem determination for trace and dump analysis,
including file transfer of data.
- Remote control of unattended workstations (for example,
LAN servers).
- Remote management of Personal System/2 (PS/2) workstations
and accessibility to data and programs stored on a PS/2 (for example, in
the home or in the office) i.Remote access to system consoles when they
are implemented on PS/2s.
Here is a typical scenario of the DCAF Help Desk function:
- A target user is having difficulty understanding the
company's new accounting program.
- The target user contacts the Help Desk person who,
in turn, opens a session with that particular target workstation.
- With the target workstation accounting program on
the screen, the controller (Help Desk person) switches to active state and
types the correct keystrokes to run the accounting program.
- The target user observes this process and learns how
to use the new accounting program.
- After demonstrating how to use the product, the controller
switches to the monitoring state and returns control to the target user.
[Back: Benefits of using DCAF]
[Next: Understanding the DCAF Environment]