
SplPdSendCmd is an API exported by port drivers. It is called by a protocol converter to send protocol-specific commands to the printer. SplPdSendCmd does not return any response data from the printer. This is an optional API.

If the port driver exports SplPdSendCmd, the spooler passes the address of this function to the BIDI protocol converter SplProtSendCmd. The purpose is to achieve better performance of query requests.

#define INCL_SPL
#include <os2.h>

PSZ      pszPortName;  /*  Port name. */
ULONG    flOptions;    /*  Flags defining how to send the data to the printer. */
ULONG    ulCommand;    /*  Generic command code. */
PVOID    pInData;      /*  Contains the command sequence to pass to the printer. */
ULONG    cbInData;     /*  Length of command sequence in pInData, in bytes. */
ULONG    rc;           /*  Return codes. */

rc = SplPdSendCmd(pszPortName, flOptions,
       ulCommand, pInData, cbInData);

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