This category includes the following APIs:
NetBIOS - NetBiosClose
NetBIOS - NetBiosEnum
NetBIOS - NetBiosGetInfo
NetBIOS - NetBiosOpen
NetBIOS - NetBiosSubmit
The NetBIOS APIs described in this chapter are provided primarily for compatibility with existing applications. This group of APIs sometimes is referred to as the NetBiosSubmit interface or, simply, the Submit interface. These APIs are used with the NCB.H, NETBIOS.H, and NETCONS.H header files.
The LAPS component of MPTS provides an alternative NetBIOS API, which usually is the preferred API for NetBIOS programming. That API generally is referred to as the NB30 interface to distinguish it from the Submit interface. For more information about the NB30 NetBIOS API, refer to the separately available IBM LAN Technical Reference.
Note: An application should use mailslots and pipes whenever possible, because these interfaces are less dependent on the transport implementation.
For related information in this book, see:
For additional information, refer to the separately available MPTS-Configuration Guide and MPTS-Programmer's Reference.
For the APIs in this chapter, applications can call the NetBiosOpen and NetBiosClose APIs to obtain and release a handle to a network device driver. This handle then is used to submit network control blocks (NCBs) to the NetBiosSubmit API to communicate between different computers on the network.
To obtain information about one or all network device drivers installed on a computer, an application can call the NetBiosGetInfo or the NetBiosEnum API, respectively.