A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following methods to get general information about an object. A Workplace Shell object would override these methods to define its characteristics.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpIdentify                    ³Returns a string that is      ³
³                              ³unique within a given         ³
³                              ³container that identifies the ³
³                              ³specified object.             ³
³wpQueryConfirmations          ³Returns the set of            ³
³                              ³confirmations that are set for³
³                              ³this object.                  ³
³wpQueryDefaultHelp            ³Returns the object's default  ³
³                              ³help panel.                   ³
³wpQueryNameClashOptions       ³Returns the set of options    ³
³                              ³that are not available on the ³
³                              ³name clash dialog for this    ³
³                              ³object.                       ³
³wpQueryTitle                  ³Returns the object's title.   ³
³wpQueryTrueStyle              ³Queries this object's current ³
³                              ³class true style.             ³
³wpclsQueryDefaultHelp         ³Returns the class default help³
³                              ³panel. This help panel is used³
³                              ³for all objects of this class.³
³                              ³The default help panel can be ³
³                              ³changed for an individual     ³
³                              ³object if:                    ³
³                              ³                              ³
³                              ³o The object overrides        ³
³                              ³  wpQueryDefaultHelp.         ³
³                              ³o The wpSetDefaultHelp method ³
³                              ³  is called.                  ³
³                              ³o The wpSetup method is called³
³                              ³  with the HELPPANEL keyword. ³
³wpclsQuerySetting             ³Returns a settings value for  ³
³                              ³an abstract class object. An  ³
³                              ³abstract class object would   ³
³                              ³override this method if it    ³
³                              ³saved its class settings.     ³
³wpclsQueryStyle               ³Returns the class style. See  ³
³                              ³Class Styles.                 ³
³wpclsQueryTitle               ³Returns the class title. This ³
³                              ³title is used for all objects ³
³                              ³of this class, including the  ³
³                              ³class template. The title can ³
³                              ³be changed for an individual  ³
³                              ³object if:                    ³
³                              ³                              ³
³                              ³o The object overrides        ³
³                              ³  wpQueryTitle.               ³
³                              ³o The wpSetTitle method is    ³
³                              ³  called.                     ³
³                              ³o The wpSetup method is       ³
³                              ³  called with the TITLE       ³
³                              ³  keyword, when the user      ³
³                              ³  edits the object's title    ³
³                              ³  on the General page of the  ³
³                              ³  Settings notebook, or when  ³
³                              ³  the user edits the          ³
³                              ³  object's title under        ³
³                              ³  the icon.                   ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following methods to get general information about an object. These methods are not normally overridden.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpFindTaskRec                 ³An object is sent this message³
³                              ³to return information specific³
³                              ³to the task being performed in³
³                              ³a task thread.                ³
³wpGetTrueClassName            ³Returns the class name for the³
³                              ³given object.                 ³
³wpQueryContainerFlagPtr       ³Returns the pointer to a flag ³
³                              ³indicating whether or not the ³
³                              ³object is in a container.     ³
³wpQueryCoreRecord             ³Returns the pointer to the    ³
³                              ³object's MINIRECORDCORE data  ³
³                              ³structure.                    ³
³wpQueryDefaultIconPos         ³Returns the default icon      ³
³                              ³position used when this object³
³                              ³is first inserted into a      ³
³                              ³folder.                       ³
³wpQueryError                  ³Returns the last error code   ³
³                              ³set by calling the object's   ³
³                              ³wpSetError. This is normally  ³
³                              ³an error code being returned  ³
³                              ³by a failing instance method. ³
³wpQueryFolder                 ³Returns the object pointer for³
³                              ³the folder containing the     ³
³                              ³object.                       ³
³wpQueryHandle                 ³Returns the object's unique   ³
³                              ³persistent handle.            ³
³wpQueryObjectID               ³Returns the object's          ³
³                              ³identifier. The object        ³
³                              ³identifier is set by calling  ³
³                              ³wpSetObjectID for the object  ³
³                              ³or by calling wpSetup for the ³
³                              ³object with the OBJECTID      ³
³                              ³keyword.                      ³
³wpQueryScreenGroupID          ³Returns the screen group      ³
³                              ³identifier of the application ³
³                              ³running for this object.      ³
³wpQueryStyle                  ³Returns the object's current  ³
³                              ³style flags. See Object Styles³
³                              ³.                             ³
³wpQueryStyle                  ³Returns the object's style.   ³
³                              ³See Object Styles.            ³
³wpclsQueryError               ³Returns the last error code   ³
³                              ³set by calling the class'     ³
³                              ³wpclsSetError. This is        ³
³                              ³normally an error code that is³
³                              ³returned by a failing class   ³
³                              ³method.                       ³
³wpclsQueryFolder              ³Returns the pointer to the    ³
³                              ³folder object that corresponds³
³                              ³to the specified file system  ³
³                              ³path.                         ³
³wpclsQueryObject              ³Returns the pointer to the    ³
³                              ³object that corresponds to the³
³                              ³specified persistent object   ³
³                              ³handle.                       ³
³wpclsQueryStyle               ³Returns the object class'     ³
³                              ³style. See Class Styles.      ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following methods to set general information about an object. These methods are not normally overridden.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpModifyStyle                 ³Sets or clears individual     ³
³                              ³flags within the object's     ³
³                              ³style. This method call is an ³
³                              ³atomic operation as only the  ³
³                              ³specified style flags are     ³
³                              ³changed, even if other running³
³                              ³threads try to modify the     ³
³                              ³style flags at the same time. ³
³                              ³See Object Styles.            ³
³wpSetDefaultHelp              ³Sets the object's default help³
³                              ³panel.                        ³
³wpSetDefaultIconPos           ³Sets the object's default icon³
³                              ³position which is used when it³
³                              ³is inserted into a folder.    ³
³wpSetError                    ³Sets the current error code   ³
³                              ³for the object. This method is³
³                              ³normally called by an instance³
³                              ³method to pass an error code  ³
³                              ³back to the caller.           ³
³wpSetObjectID                 ³Sets the object's identifier. ³
³wpSetStyle                    ³Sets the object's style. This ³
³                              ³method exists only for        ³
³                              ³compatibility with old        ³
³                              ³objects. All new or changed   ³
³                              ³objects should use            ³
³                              ³wpModifyStyle instead. See    ³
³                              ³Object Styles.                ³
³wpSetTaskRec                  ³Adds, replaces, or deletes a  ³
³                              ³task data block.              ³
³wpSetTitle                    ³Sets the object's title.      ³
³wpclsSetError                 ³Sets the current error code   ³
³                              ³for the class. This method is ³
³                              ³normally called by a class    ³
³                              ³method to pass an error code  ³
³                              ³back to the caller.           ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following method to set general information about an object. A Workplace Shell object would override this method to define its characteristics.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpclsQueryInstanceClass       ³Returns the name of a class   ³
³                              ³that this object can become.  ³
³wpclsSetSetting               ³Sets a settings value for an  ³
³                              ³abstract class object. An     ³
³                              ³abstract class object would   ³
³                              ³override this method if it    ³
³                              ³wants to save its class       ³
³                              ³settings.                     ³

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