Workplace Shell objects have styles that define their behavior. The object class style is defined by wpQueryStyle. When an object is created, the object's style is initially inherited from the class. The wpQueryStyle method can modify the style flags to tailor the object. Also, wpModifyStyle can be used to set or reset individual style flags for the object. The following table lists the object style flags:

³Style Name                    ³Description                   ³
³OBJSTYLE_NOCOPY               ³The object cannot be copied.  ³
³                              ³The Copy option is not valid  ³
³                              ³for a direct manipulation     ³
³                              ³operation (Pickup and Drop)   ³
³                              ³and there is no Copy option in³
³                              ³the object's context menu.    ³
³                              ³This option is inherited from ³
³                              ³the class' CLSSTYLE_NEVERCOPY ³
³                              ³style.                        ³
³OBJSTYLE_NODELETE             ³The object cannot be deleted. ³
³                              ³The object cannot be dragged  ³
³                              ³to the shredder and there is  ³
³                              ³no Delete option in the       ³
³                              ³object's context menu. This   ³
³                              ³option is inherited from the  ³
³                              ³class' CLSSTYLE_NEVERDELETE   ³
³                              ³style.                        ³
³OBJSTYLE_NODRAG               ³The object cannot be copied or³
³                              ³moved. Direct manipulation    ³
³                              ³operations (Pickup and Drop)  ³
³                              ³are not valid for this object ³
³                              ³and there are no Copy, Move,  ³
³                              ³or Pickup options in the      ³
³                              ³object's context menu. This   ³
³                              ³option is inherited from the  ³
³                              ³class' CLSSTYLE_NEVERDRAG     ³
³                              ³style.                        ³
³OBJSTYLE_NODROPON             ³No other object can be dropped³
³                              ³on this object using a direct ³
³                              ³manipulation operation (Pickup³
³                              ³and Drop).                    ³
³OBJSTYLE_NOLINK               ³The object cannot have        ³
³                              ³shadows. The Link option is   ³
³                              ³not valid for a direct        ³
³                              ³manipulation operation (Pickup³
³                              ³and Drop) and there is no     ³
³                              ³Create shadow option in the   ³
³                              ³object's context menu. This   ³
³                              ³option is inherited from the  ³
³                              ³class' CLSSTYLE_NEVERLINK     ³
³                              ³style.                        ³
³OBJSTYLE_NOMOVE               ³The object cannot be moved.   ³
³                              ³The Move option is not valid  ³
³                              ³for a direct manipulation     ³
³                              ³operation (Pickup and Drop)   ³
³                              ³and there is no Move option in³
³                              ³the object's context menu.    ³
³                              ³This option is inherited from ³
³                              ³the class' CLSSTYLE_NEVERMOVE ³
³                              ³style.                        ³
³OBJSTYLE_NOPRINT              ³The object cannot be printed. ³
³                              ³The object cannot be dragged  ³
³                              ³to a Printer object and there ³
³                              ³is no Print option in the     ³
³                              ³object's context menu. This   ³
³                              ³option is inherited from the  ³
³                              ³class' CLSSTYLE_NEVERPRINT    ³
³                              ³style.                        ³
³OBJSTYLE_NORENAME             ³This object cannot be renamed.³
³                              ³Its title cannot be changed   ³
³                              ³either by directly editing the³
³                              ³title under the icon or by    ³
³                              ³changing the title on the     ³
³                              ³General page of the Settings  ³
³                              ³notebook.                     ³
³OBJSTYLE_NOSETTINGS           ³This object cannot be opened  ³
³                              ³in Settings view. There is no ³
³                              ³Settings option in the        ³
³                              ³object's context menu. This   ³
³                              ³option is inherited from the  ³
³                              ³class' CLSSTYLE_NEVERSETTINGS ³
³                              ³style.                        ³
³OBJSTYLE_NOTDEFAULTICON       ³The icon associated with this ³
³                              ³object is not the class       ³
³                              ³default icon.                 ³
³                              ³                              ³
³                              ³Note:                         ³
³                              ³You should never modify this  ³
³                              ³style option because the      ³
³                              ³Workplace Shell uses it for   ³
³                              ³the following reasons:        ³
³                              ³                              ³
³                              ³o When you copy an object,    ³
³                              ³  the Workplace Shell         ³
³                              ³  determines when to create   ³
³                              ³  a copy of the object's      ³
³                              ³  icon.                       ³
³                              ³o When the Workplace Shell    ³
³                              ³  frees an icon.              ³
³                              ³                              ³
³                              ³If this style flag is set     ³
³                              ³incorrectly, the object's     ³
³                              ³icon could disappear or       ³
³                              ³could not be freed when       ³
³                              ³necessary, thereby wasting    ³
³                              ³system memory.                ³
³OBJSTYLE_TEMPLATE             ³This object is a template.    ³

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