A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following methods to get information about a data file object. These methods are not normally overridden.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpQueryAssociatedFileIcon     ³Returns the handle of the icon³
³                              ³for the WPProgram or          ³
³                              ³WPProgramFile object          ³
³                              ³associated with the data file ³
³                              ³object.                       ³
³wpQueryAssociatedProgram      ³Returns the pointer to the    ³
³                              ³WPProgram or WPProgramFile    ³
³                              ³object associated with the    ³
³                              ³data file object.             ³
³wpQueryPointerFromContents    ³Returns a pointer to shared   ³
³                              ³memory containing the contents³
³                              ³of the WPDataFile object.     ³
³wpclsEnumClipboardClasses     ³Enumerates through all the    ³
³                              ³object classes that a         ³
³                              ³particular rendering mechanism³
³                              ³supports.                     ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following method to query information about a data file object. This method may be overridden to force the association of a specific icon with a data file.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpQueryHandleFromContents     ³Returns a handle to a known   ³
³                              ³system data type based on a   ³
³                              ³file's contents.  This is an  ³
³                              ³abstract method; subclasses   ³
³                              ³that describe files for which ³
³                              ³a system handle type exist    ³
³                              ³(such as WPIcon or WPBitmap)  ³
³                              ³should subclass this method.  ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following method to set information about a data file object. This method may be overridden to force the association of a specific icon with a data file.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpSetAssociatedFileIcon       ³Change the icon associated    ³
³                              ³with the data file object.    ³
³wpSetContentsFromHandle       ³Sets a file's contents based  ³
³                              ³on a handle to a known system ³
³                              ³data type.  This is an        ³
³                              ³abstract method; subclasses   ³
³                              ³that describe files for which ³
³                              ³a system handle type exist    ³
³                              ³(such as WPIcon or WPBitmap)  ³
³                              ³should subclass this method.  ³
³wpSetContentsFromPointer      ³Sets a WPDataFile object's    ³
³                              ³contents based on a pointer to³
³                              ³shared memory.                ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following method to render information about a data file object.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpRenderFromClipboard         ³Opens the clipboard and       ³
³                              ³retrieves the type of data    ³
³                              ³specified in the clipboard    ³
³                              ³format passed in, then writes ³
³                              ³the clipboard data to a file. ³

A program or Workplace Shell object would call the following method to add a clipboard association to a data file object.

³Method Name                   ³Description                   ³
³wpclsAddClipboardAssoc        ³Adds an association between a ³
³                              ³clipboard format and a        ³
³                              ³particular class name.        ³

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